Pet Dental X-rays
Detection and prevention
Why Dental X-rays
Are Necessary
Common Problems Found By Dental X-rays
- Bone loss
- Root abscess
- Resorbing tooth (dissolving tooth)
How Dental X-rays Help Maintain Oral Health
- Baseline: dental X-rays show current health status
- Progress checks: dental X-rays show response to treatments
- Pre-op evaluation: confirm tooth health before certain treatments
Detection and Prevention
Dental X-rays Find
Bone Loss (Periodontitis)
- Without annual dental X-rays, pets can suffer from bone infection for years.
- Dental X-rays find bone loss early when it can still be treated.
- Even when teeth and gums look normal, dental X-rays might reveal bone loss.
Problems and Diseases
Only Detected With X-rays.
Complete Dental Treatment
Must Include Dental X-rays
- Without dental X-rays, pets will continue to suffer silently from dental pain and infection.
- Pets need annual dental X-rays of all their teeth because they hide problems and they can’t tell us where it hurts.
One very important question
to ask your vet.
- “Doctor, will my pet have dental X-rays taken of every tooth to check for hidden problems?”
Help Stop Pet Dental Pain
You Can Make A Difference!
We Need Help!
Sadly most pet owners still don’t even know that their dogs need dental care, or that they are suffering from constant pain. Help us spread the word about the importance of pet dental care. Help stop pet dental pain!