Cat True Stories
Help stop pet dental pain
Mickey's Infected Tooth Root
- Mickey’s owners brought him to their veterinarian because he wasn’t eating much.
- He had been lost and when he was found, the upper right canine (fang) tooth was missing.
- The missing part of the tooth was most likely broken off in a fight.
- A physical exam with lab tests showed that Mickey was able to have anesthesia.
Mickey's Missing Tooth
In this photo, taken under anesthesia, the circle shows a reddish area where the the missing upper fang tooth used to be. Dental X-rays are needed to see what’s under the gum.
Cat Dental Model
This is a cat dental model showing the roof of the mouth and the area in the dental X-ray. The arrow shows the upper canine (fang) root tip.
Mickey Needed X-rays
Dental X-ray shows the abscessed root of the missing canine (fang) tooth still in the socket. The root is causing the infection. After the root is gone, the socket can heal.
Mickey's Dental Care
This is the same dental X-ray with the root outlined in white and the abscess in red. The root was removed, the socket cleaned and grafted, and the gum sutured. Six other teeth with severe bone loss were also extracted.
Help Stop Pet Dental Pain
Key Points
- Mickey's abscessed tooth root would not have been found without dental X-rays.
- When the part of the tooth above the gum is missing, the root can still be left in the socket.
- Missing teeth should always be X-rayed.
- If an abscessed tooth root is found, the root must be removed so the socket can heal.
Help Stop Pet Dental Pain
Cat Dental X-rays
- Dental X-rays are vital to your cat's dental health.
- Dental cleanings without dental X-rays miss problems under the gums.
Help Stop Cat Dental Pain
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We Need Help!
Sadly most pet owners still don’t even know that their dogs need dental care or that they are suffering from constant pain. Help us spread the word about the importance of pet dental care. Help stop pet dental pain!