Help Stop
Pet Dental Pain
Most pet owners aren’t aware that their pets are in pain and that pet dental care is so important and easy. You can make a difference! Please help us get the word out.
about us
Our Mission
We are a non-profit organization of Board-Certified Veterinary Dentists and Veterinary Dental Health Professionals dedicated to educating the world about the vital role pet dental care plays in our pets’ lives.

Make a Donation
The easiest way to help us get the word out is to become a sponsor and donate. Learn More about how your donations will help stop pet dental pain.
The pain nerves of the teeth and gums of dogs, cats and people are the same.
Your pet can get toothaches and suffer from dental pain just like you.
Anything that would make your teeth or gums hurt will also make your pet’s teeth or gums hurt.
Yes! Dogs and cats are stoic and often don’t show pain. So your pet could be living with constant, miserable dental pain and you’d never know. This is why dental checkups at the vet are vital to your pet’s health and well-being.
Dental X-rays find hidden problems under the gums. Without getting dental X-rays, your pet could be suffering from constant, excruciating pain, and you would never know.
Some common dental problems found only with X-rays include: bone loss, root abscess, resorbing tooth (dissolving tooth), etc.
Your pet will need anesthesia.
Yes! This is important because without using anesthesia, it’s impossible to do a complete dental checkup and make sure there’s no problems and diseases.
The good news is because of ongoing advancements in medicine, surgery and technology, dental anesthesia has never been safer.
Yes! Daily toothbrushing is very important and will add years to your pet’s life! Daily toothbrushing helps prevent gum disease, is the best defense against bad breath and helps protect heart health.
Cant find your Question?
We are a team of highly qualified veterinarians committed to stopping pet dental pain. Please feel free to reach out with questions. We are happy to help!

Our History
Dr. Patricia Frost-Fitch's Vision
Patricia Frost-Fitch, DVM, Diplomate AVDC, left us with her vision to alleviate animal pain … a big vision, to be sure. Her specific concern was about animals suffering silently with dental problems that go unseen, because no dental X-rays have ever been taken. She passionately wished to engage both the veterinary profession and animal owners as partners to promote the importance of dental X-rays. After dedicating her life to ending pet dental pain, the non-profit Help Stop Pet Dental Pain (Pet Dental Care) was founded in her honor.

Young veterinarian Dr. Frost (arrow) and Janet Mertz, the pet owner who sponsored the first veterinary dentistry and surgery residency at the University of Illinois.

Pat and Misty

New year’s Eve, Kona HI, seven months before Pat passed away.
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412 Charles Place
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Contact Info
Phone: 208-309-0015